These are MY views on Life, Love, Various Events and just WHATEVER I feel like. Comment if you like, Sign the Guest Book, or Mark your spot on the Map. I hope you enjoy the View.....

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Tuesday...What a Evening

What started off as such a nice day.....When I woke up, I felt good about the new day, and I rode the 'bike' for 10 mins this morning. I'm starting slowly and will build it back to to the 1/2 hour that I used to ride every morning. Heart Rate was in zone limitations, and I ENJOYED it.

I even dressed more business like then I have in quite some time, I used to ALWAYS wear dress pants and a dress shirt or a smart golf type shirt, but lately jeans, cargo pants and tee shirts, unless of course a client was coming it.

So I was having a very good day at work, being very productive and getting on with the things at hand......AND........I was seeing Cara, my youngest daughter tonight and we were going to the the new Vaughan Mills shopping center to wonder about. My x-wife called last night, and asked me if I was sure I sure that I was ok to be going to this mall as its SOOOO BIG!! And of course I said., "I'M FINE!!"

So we walk this mall, and it's HUGE!!!! We spent almost 2 hours just walking the circle of the mall and going into a couple of stores....the Outdoor Store is AWESOME and the BOWLING LANES....Way Cool....then we had something to eat. I that time I started to fell a bit weird...pain in my upper shoulders, but I thought it was from carrying my heavy leather jacket for some 2 hours....some pain down my right and then left arm....a little bit numbness in my hand, left and then right....

Each one of these things is not much, but they started to add up, and me being me....I don't listen well to my body!!!! We finish dinner and then we head home....

The first thing I noticed was I couldn't find my car....that is NOT like me. I ALWAYS know where I part my Cara yells back to me....Hey Daddy!! you passed it 3 rows ago !!!!

We get in the car and start the drive back to Brampton, and I start to get the odd pain in my I just turn the radio down a bit. I drop Cara off at home and head back to my apartment. My arms are starting to feel weird / numb again and I have this very weird head ache, and I NEVER get a head ache. So I fire a shot of Nitro....Note to self....DON'T take Nitro and Drive!!!!

So I get home and I went to the computer and sat down, noticing that a few friends where on-line....I sat there, not really there but I was there.... I took a couple more shots of the Nitro Spray.....Come On!!!! Kick in you stupid stuff!!!!!!!!

I don't know much much time passed, but then 'C' sent me a message, asking how I was. It was all I could do to read and understand the message. I knew I was in trouble and something wasn't right. I typed to 'C', but I was having a hard time concentrating on typing. She wanted me to call the ambulance, but I didn't want to go. I HATE the hospital...

'C' asks me to please go, and I agree to call 911. I call and then she calls my cell untill they arrive.

When they arrived, I couldn't remember how to open the door downstairs....

so to make a LONG story short, I was taken to the hospital when I was kept overnight and released at 5 am this morning with NO SHOES or COAT. I had to call a cab and get home by myself with NO SHOES and COAT..

I should have asked for a phone to call either Jenn or 'C' to tell then what was happening, say about midnite or so.....but I wasn't thinking last night.....I have never felt soo detached in my life....My body was there, and I had NO control of it. I felt so out of control last night.

Well, the tests didn't show anything last night, that's the good thing, and that's why I was sent home.....However.....something is amiss and we will have to find out what it is.

I will keep you all updated on what's going on.

and thanks to all the wonderful people that care about me. You ALL know who you are...



Blogger Jennytc said...

That must have been very scary for you. I do hope the medics find out what the problem is soon and get your treatment sorted out. Meanwhile, take it easy and take care of yourself. :)

November 10, 2004 4:18 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Listen to your body, any sign of pain in the right arm and shoulders, go to the hospital. Better to look like a live fool than a dead one......think of your kids. Get well soon :)

November 10, 2004 6:59 PM  
Blogger Dale said...

You're in my thoughts today, Larry. And my prayers. I wish you peace, my friend.

November 11, 2004 8:17 AM  
Blogger magz said...

Scary, Larry. And a little wake-up call that I'll bet you heard, loud and clear. Aunt Doctor Magz perscribes Relaxation, and Pampering. Breaktime for Larry, the real world will still be there when you get back. Lounge. Laugh. Schmooze with people you love, and avoid those who perplex or annoy you. Bask in the love of your friends and family, and pet a nice puppy. Take care of yourself.

November 11, 2004 12:56 PM  
Blogger Terri said...

I know what you mean about hating to go to the hospital and after what happened I can see it was an added nightmare but better safe than sorry. Especially when it comes to the heart. You've only got one so best take good care of it. I do hope you follow up and can find out what was wrong. The more I read and know about you Larry, the more I like you. I can't tell you how happy I am to meet friends like your sister, Dale and now you. I think I met Maggie first but I don't remember if she found me or I found her - doesn't matter - I feel that I've known you all for a long time. There's something very intimate about this blog stuff. I referred to it somewhere as "blog years" like real age and dog age. It's seems a month of blogging is like knowing someone for a year in "real" life. There are things I've shared about myself that many people who consider me a friend don't know about me. It's amazing isn't it? Especially when I meet wonderful, interesting people like you. I sure hope you hang around for a long time.

November 12, 2004 2:01 AM  
Blogger riskybiz said...

At first I thought that you were explaining why shopping can make a man sick.
Hope you are feeling better!

November 12, 2004 11:55 AM  

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