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Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Kitto was my dog, my friend, my buddy.......I have now lost Kitto again....But this time is forever......

Let me explain......When I was married, we as a family got Kitto. Kitto was a Blue Merle colored Sheltie, which had grown 'oversize'. Being oversize, the breeder could no longer show or breed Kitto, so he got him for a very good price.

Let me tell you about Kitto...... Kitto was the best dog I ever had.....

He was fully trained when we got him. When we walked him, he never left your side, even if another dog came by.

The first summer we had Kitto, we had gone to my friend David's place north of Montreal. We had to do some shopping in town, so we had left Kitto in the 'Stables', which is the building we were saying in. While we were in town, Kitto got out and bolted. We spent the WHOLE weekend tryign to find him. I must have drove 500 km, back and forth, forth and back.

Nothing...He was gone.....

Then on the Monday morning Kitto appeared out of was awsome....

Well, Kitto really became part of the family.......Camping.....going back to Montreal....he really was the best.

When I split from my wife, I decided it would be best if Kitto stayed with her and the girls, as I was going to be living in an apartment and perhaps would not be home all the time. I missed Kitto when we first split up, but I knew Kitto was happy. Kitto ended up going to live with my ex-wife's Aunt and Uncle, in Trenton. Ron really, really, really loved and took care of Kitto.

I understand Kitto really enjoyed his new home. Ron would take Kitto EVERWHERE. He got brushed EVERYDAY (OK, I admit, I never brushed him every day). Ron and Kitto did everything together. Kitto was living it up for the last two years ago.

I got I call Monday, that Kitto had a heart attack and passed away.......I was in shock....I'm still in shock......

Kitto had fallen on Sunday and from what I understand broke his hip, and then on Monday when they went to the vets, Kitto had a heart attack and died.

I miss Kitto. I miss that I never got to see him again. I'm so thankful to Ron and Easter for taking care of Kitto the way they did for the last two years.


Ron, I'm sorry that you also lost your little buddy.....Kitto.....

(I will post a pic of Kitto as soon as I can find one)

We will ALL miss you Kitto...........


Blogger CAW said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss, Lar! Sending hugs and kisses your way!

July 14, 2005 10:09 AM  

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