These are MY views on Life, Love, Various Events and just WHATEVER I feel like. Comment if you like, Sign the Guest Book, or Mark your spot on the Map. I hope you enjoy the View.....

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The Lighter Side of Life.....

OK, I admit it!!!!!!!

Lately I've been rather down and was writing almost only about being down. But I think, NO, I KNOW, that I'm coming out of that valley, with the help of some VERY SPECIAL and DEAR FRIENDS and FAMILY.

I could name you all here, but I KNOW you KNOW who you are......I just want to thank each of you for standing there with me, and helping me see that there is light and life at the end of the day.

There is ALWAYS a TOMORROW, and then TODAY becomes YESTERDAY. Yes, it is our YESTERDAYS that our memories are made of, but our dreams and hopes are built on our TOMORROWS.......

I am now starting to look forward to my TOMORROWS!!!

Well......Anyway......What ELSE is happening from the Penthouse.

Some of you may know that for the past year and half, I have been involved with the Caledon Townhall Players, a community based theatre group in Caledon, Ontario. I have been doing the technical 'stuff', lighting, sound, set construction and I was the Stage Manager for two productions.

Well, we are currently doing the play 'Arsenic and Old Lace' and for this play I will be putting on my acting hat. YEAP!!!! Larry will be acting....I AM SOOOO NERVOUS!!!!!

I'm playing the part of Officer O'Hara, a Brooklyn Cop who is a wannabe playwrite. We have been rehearsing since mid-December, and at one point we thought the play may be cancelled or postponed because we lost our director. But as they say, 'The show must go on!!' So we have a new director, thanks Pam, and we are still on track.

The play runs February 17, 18, 19 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) for three weeks. The Website for the Caledon Townplayers is HERE for more information about the play or tickets.

I'm getting really exited about the play. The set is really coming together, which I have also been helping to build. I will be helping with the lighting design for the play which will be fun, as there are a number of lighting and mood changes in the play, that will be a challenge to create using the theatre's limited lights.

And the play itself is REALLY starting to come together. If you would have asked me a week ago.....I would have said we are so far way from being ready. But Pam has believed in us and after Sunday's rehearsal, I can feel it coming together. Tonight, will be the first rehearsal when we do of the complete play, beginning to end.

I'm so busy with the play as rehearsals are Tuesday and Thursday nights, and then Sunday afternoons. Saturdays have been taken up with set construction, leaving me little time for other things, which I guess has been a good thing for the past month.

This week is also the annual HRPAO Conference and Trade Show in Toronto. This show is for the Human Resource Professionals of Ontario, and our company, HRWARE will be there in the exhibit hall. So if you are in Toronto on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, you should drop on down to the Sheraton Centre and stop by the booth!!!

Oh well....Gotta run....Time to drive downtown and set up the booth for the show.......

Well....Thanks for dropping by.....Hope you can make the trade show, or even the play!!!!!

I guess that's for my 'LOCAL' friends....hehehehheh

So that's the 'View From the Penthouse', pretty nice view this week, if you ask me.....


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