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Monday, June 13, 2005

The Official Interview Game

Good Monday Morning All!!!!

I got this LAST week from Gemmak, but with the play and everything else happening last week, I couldn't get to it till this morning......So here we go..........

This was fun!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Where in the world that you have already visited would you like to visit again and why?

I have gone to Erlangen in Germany for work twice about 4 years ago, and it is a lovely area. But when you are on a work related trip, you never really get to see anything. I did stay over a weekend on one trip and saw some of Nuremberg, but I would like to visit for 2 or 3 weeks and really take in the area.

2. If you were to change career in the next six months what would you choose to do and why?

Proberly something completly out of the Computer Software related area....I have been supporting Human Resources software for about 17 years now.....A change would be nice.....Believe or not sometimes a have thought about driving a truck.....or have you ever seen those HUGE contruction cranes.....WAY...WAY up there.....I think that would be sooooo much know...Boys and their TOYS.....

3. Do you think Michael Jackson is guilty as charged and what are your reasons for believing as you do?

hmmmmm.....Have I REALLY thought about it....To be honest, I have really not followed the case.....If he did what they claim he has done, then he should be help accountable for it....But I really don't know what to think.....I know he is JUST PLAIN WERID, in my books.......but that doesn't make him guilty, just beacuse I think he's werid.

4. If I gave you $2000 to spend as you like but only on one item what would it be?

That would be an easy one RIGHT NOW. I would take a trip with Deb donw to one of the islands and get married on the beach at one of the resorts....Now THAT would be a trip....

5. What do you consider to be your greatest personal achievment to date?

That's an interesting question...My greatest PERSONAL achievment.......Without a doubt, my two girls Natasha and Cara.....If you can call then a 'personal achiement.....Otherwise it could be the status as a Senior Official with Swim Ontario, or my recent activities with the Theatre group that I'm with, Caledon Townhall Players.

The Official Interview Game Rules
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying 'Interview me"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions, each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Pretty Easy Eh!!!!!


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