These are MY views on Life, Love, Various Events and just WHATEVER I feel like. Comment if you like, Sign the Guest Book, or Mark your spot on the Map. I hope you enjoy the View.....

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


I have started my journey across the snow covered meadow with my friend. No, this is not just my friend, but my partner, the person I choose to take this new journey with.

The snow does not make the journey any more difficult, but rather just makes it easy to see where we have been.

Have you every noticed that when two people walk side by side in the snow, there are the two sets of footprints, but the strides are different. People stride differently, its a fact of life.

HOWEVER, when I look back into the snow, I see the two sets of footprints, but they are perfect sync, side by side, step by step, together as one.

Two people in perfect harmony.

We stop, look into each others eyes and we embrace. I'm am so gald you are on this journey with me.

I Love You.


Blogger Larry said...

Yes, I also know that when I am with you....All is right in the world....

Our journey will take us many places...sunny meadows, warm sandy beaches, lushious forests, gentle rivers....

We will share sunrises, the warmth of the days, the cool evenings, the breath-taking sunsets, and the amazing watch the stars together. To learn about each Constellation, together.

We both have our 'gear' ready for journey, we have our 'safety ropes' in place for our occassional mountain to climb....

So as the sun rises this morning, I look into your eyes, take your hand and whisper into you ear....And we walk side by side toward the East, with the warm morning sun shining down upon our faces.

Does it get ANY better then this???

February 17, 2005 9:56 AM  
Blogger CAW said...

Get a room! hehe! You too are soo cute! bleh! lol-

February 17, 2005 11:59 AM  
Blogger Larry said...

Yes Jenn, that is the next step of my journey. I have Deb's full support to take the time I need to rebuild the relationship with the girls. But is was critical for me to start this journey and to know I have the understanding and support of someone very special to me.

Deb understands the importance of the girls in my life and will stand back if need be, to help me with this.

You see, I HAVE learned a LOT...You CAN teach an old dog new tricks....

Thx Jenn, I know you care about me and the girls, and I appreciate it.

February 17, 2005 2:31 PM  

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