These are MY views on Life, Love, Various Events and just WHATEVER I feel like. Comment if you like, Sign the Guest Book, or Mark your spot on the Map. I hope you enjoy the View.....

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Gala

We had the year-end 'Gala' for the Caledon Townhall Players last Saturday. Alot of my friends for the theatre were there; My sister Jenn and Jane, Andrew and Stacey, Brian, Mike, Elizabeth, Pam, Dennis and Irene, and the list goes on. And Dale got there as well....Poor Dale is still laid up with his broken leg, and got there just as the dinner was starting.

We all found our tables, mingled and had cocktails. Then we had a wonderfull buffet that included roast beef and potatoes and then we moved upstairs to the theatre for the awards presentation.

Here is a nice pic of Jenn and Dale.

The awards were a blast, hosted by Barb and her husband Tom. Tom was in Arsnic and Old Lace with me.

Jane was awarded for the Set of the play 'Things We Do For Love'. This was the set that Jane and I built basically single-handly.....Jane did acknowledge from the stage that it was her and I that built the set.....That was very nice Jane....thank you Jane.....

Jenn won an award, Dale reviewed an award, Andrew was presented with the award for the best production which was for 'Things We Do For Love'. Andrew was the producer for the play. this was the play that I was also the stage manager, sound design, light design and lighting operator...heheheh...

SO that was pretty cool that we won for Best Production. I admit that I would have liked to received 'something' for that....

Then there was the President's Award. This was a new award this year for someone outside the executive for going above and beyond...based on the three plays that I was involved in this year, I thougt wow....I might be up for this.....this explained how the winner of this award has gone way above the sounded like me.....for this last play, I was asked to step in as stage manager at the last minute, which I did......I stepped in to create the sounds effects for the problem....and I was over looked.

Please don't get me wrong.....I do the stuff I do cause I wanted to.....not for some award....this is a new award, so I didn't even know this was an award......

Am I pissed?????? Yes........Why.....Cause I put my personal life on hold for the sake of the play...especially this last play.....and I feel that I was slapped in the face by the president.....Thats just the way I feel.....

And thats the 'View from the Escarpment'

Friday, June 17, 2005 I think we have a 'DATE'

I know EVERYONE is when is it????

I can now spill the beans and say........

AUGUST 6th, 2005

So let the COUNTDOWN begin.......

Thursday, June 16, 2005

My Site Counter

Boys will play........

So I was playing with my Bravenet Site counter, playing with the style and stuff. Being cautious, I created a second counter to play with....

I really didn't like the new one, so I THOUGHT I would delete WHAT do you I deleted??

Yeap, DUMP ASS me, deleted my now I starting over with my counter stats....lolololololol

Send ALL you friends by.....I have to get back up there....lolololololololololol

One Day Older

Today is the 'Day After'......
So I'm One Year Older + One Day.....
How Do I Feel???????

Yesterday I felt kinda, I don't know how to really describe it, but I kinda felt alone....that something was missing.....

And that was my daughters; Natasha and Cara. Then to my surprise, I got a MSN message from Cara saying 'Happy Birthday' and then we chatted for a while. We will be getting together next week and Cara will get to meet Deb and her kids for the first time.

I am so excited.......I was so happy when Cara sent me the message......I can't wait for next week...Deb is excited, Deb's kids are all excited.....

We are planing a picinic dinner at a park in the Burlington area down by the lake......Now we just need the weather to hold out.....

To make it 100%.......I hope Natasha will come around........I now she will....She just needs some time.....


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

This Day in History....

June 15th........

Other then being MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Canadian - U.S. Border Established
June 15, 1846

Representatives of Great Britain and the United States sign the Oregon Treaty, which settles a long-standing dispute with Britain over who controlled the Oregon territory. The treaty established the 49th parallel from the Rocky Mountains to the Strait of Georgia as the boundary between the United States and British Canada. The United States gained formal control over the future states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana, and the British retained Vancouver Island and navigation rights to part of the Columbia River.
In 1818, a U.S.-British agreement had established the border along the 49th parallel from Lake of the Woods in the east to the Rocky Mountains in the west. The two nations also agreed to a joint occupation of Oregon territory for 10 years, an arrangement that was extended for an additional 10 years in 1827. After 1838, the issue of who possessed Oregon became increasingly controversial, especially when mass American migration along the Oregon Trail began in the early 1840s.
American expansionists urged seizure of Oregon, and in 1844 Democrat James K. Polk successfully ran for president under the platform "Fifty-four forty or fight," which referred to his hope of bringing a sizable portion of present-day Vancouver and Alberta into the United States. However, neither President Polk nor the British government wanted a third Anglo-American war, and on June 15, 1846, the Oregon Treaty, a compromise, was signed. By the terms of the agreement, the U.S. and Canadian border was extended west along the 49th parallel to the Strait of Georgia, just short of the Pacific Ocean.

Magna Carta Sealed:
June 15, 1215

Following a revolt by the English nobility against his rule, King John puts his royal seal on the Magna Carta, or "Great Charter." The document, essentially a peace treaty between John and his barons, guaranteed that the king would respect feudal rights and privileges, uphold the freedom of the church, and maintain the nation's laws. Although more a reactionary than a progressive document in its day, the Magna Carta was seen as a cornerstone in the development of democratic England by later generations.

John was enthroned as king of England following the death of his brother, King Richard the Lion-Hearted, in 1199. King John's reign was characterized by failure. He lost the duchy of Normandy to the French king and taxed the English nobility heavily to pay for his foreign misadventures. He quarreled with Pope Innocent III and sold church offices to build up the depleted royal coffers. Following the defeat of a campaign to regain Normandy in 1214, Stephen Langton, the archbishop of Canterbury, called on the disgruntled barons to demand a charter of liberties from the king.

In 1215, the barons rose up in rebellion against the king's abuse of feudal law and custom. John, faced with a superior force, had no choice but to give in to their demands. Earlier kings of England had granted concessions to their feudal barons, but these charters were vaguely worded and issued voluntarily. The document drawn up for John in June 1215, however, forced the king to make specific guarantees of the rights and privileges of his barons and the freedom of the church. On June 15, 1215, John met the barons at Runnymede on the Thames and set his seal to the Articles of the Barons, which after minor revision was formally issued as the Magna Carta.

The charter consisted of a preamble and 63 clauses and dealt mainly with feudal concerns that had little impact outside 13th century England. However, the document was remarkable in that it implied there were laws the king was bound to observe, thus precluding any future claim to absolutism by the English monarch. Of greatest interest to later generations was clause 39, which stated that "no free man shall be arrested or imprisoned or disseised [dispossessed] or outlawed or exiled or in any way victimised...except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land." This clause has been celebrated as an early guarantee of trial by jury and of habeas corpus and inspired England's Petition of Right (1628) and the Habeas Corpus Act (1679).

In immediate terms, the Magna Carta was a failure--civil war broke out the same year, and John ignored his obligations under the charter. Upon his death in 1216, however, the Magna Carta was reissued with some changes by his son, King Henry III, and then reissued again in 1217. That year, the rebellious barons were defeated by the king's forces. In 1225, Henry III voluntarily reissued the Magna Carta a third time, and it formally entered English statute law.

The Magna Carta has been subject to a great deal of historical exaggeration; it did not establish Parliament, as some have claimed, nor more than vaguely allude to the liberal democratic ideals of later centuries. However, as a symbol of the sovereignty of the rule of law, it was of fundamental importance to the constitutional development of England. Four original copies of the Magna Carta of 1215 exist today: one in Lincoln Cathedral, one in Salisbury Cathedral, and two in the British Museum.

Well Today is the 'DAY'

For some reason, this morning I don't know how to feel......

I'm sooo happy I awoke in the arms of my sweetheart......

But once I got to kinda started to sink in.....

Damn!!!! I miss MY GIRLS!!!!

Plain and Simple.

What Military Aircraft Am I???

What military aircraft are you?

F/A-22 Raptor

You are an F/A-22. You are technologically inclined, and though you've never been tested in combat, your very name is feared. You like noise, but prefer not to pollute any more than you have to. And you can move with the best.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Did you Ever?????

So I was over at Gemmak's and saw this.....and then I thought to myself....

Well if SHE can steal it from someone.....So can I....So HERE it is..

As a child.... did you ever...?

(x) sneak out of the house
(x) get lost in your own neighbourhood
(x) see a shooting star
(x) get into a fist fight
(x) laugh so hard you had milk/coke come down your nose
(x) have an imaginary friend or pet
(x) push all the buttons on an elevator
(x) skip school
(x) gotten stitches
(x) gotten the chicken pox
(x) done the splits
(x) played spin the bottle
(x) cheat on a test or exam
(x) deliberately ignore your curfew
(x) go out in public in your pajamas
(x) shoplift
(x) have a crush on a teacher

As an adult ....have you ever...?

(x) been to any other countries.
(x) had a serious surgery
(x) kissed a stranger
(x) hugged a stranger
(x) been arrested
(x) skipped work
(x) been in love
(x) been to a casino
( ) been skydiving
(x) skinny dipped
( ) scuba dived
(x) been fired
( ) had a crush on someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back
(x) gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend
(x) lied to a significant other/spouse
( ) celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans
(x) been married
(x) gotten divorced
(x) had children
(x) seen someone die
(x) had a close friend die
(x) driven over 400 miles in one day
(x) been on a plane
(x) seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
(x) met someone in person from the internet
( ) lost a child
(x) gone to college/university
( ) graduated college/university
(x) fired a gun

Monday, June 13, 2005

Wanna Have Some FUN ??? (wink...wink)

You scored as A Slave To BDSM. Admit it, you like being tied up and being told you've been very naughty. You like teasing your partner and making them squirm, and not letting them be able to do anything about it. Some people think what you do is sick and disgusting, but you know it's all in good fun.

A Slave To BDSM


Sex God


A Romantic




How are you in bed
created with

Jenn's Birthday

Well, TODAY is my kid sister's birthday......Today she is ........What you think I would tell everyone that she's 35 today!!!! Not me!!!!! It's not for ME to tell the WHOLE WORLD thats she's 35 today!!!!!!!!!!!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you LOTS and LOTS and LOTS......

Your Birthdate: June 13
Being born on the 13th day of the month should help make you a better manager and organizer, but it may also give you a tendency to dominate people a bit.
You may be more responsible and self-disciplined than you realize.
Sincere and honest, you are a serious, hard working individual.

Your feeling are likely to seem somewhat repressed at times.
You are apt to be much more practical, rational, and conscious of details.
Your intolerance and insistence on complete accuracy can be irritating to some.

The Official Interview Game

Good Monday Morning All!!!!

I got this LAST week from Gemmak, but with the play and everything else happening last week, I couldn't get to it till this morning......So here we go..........

This was fun!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Where in the world that you have already visited would you like to visit again and why?

I have gone to Erlangen in Germany for work twice about 4 years ago, and it is a lovely area. But when you are on a work related trip, you never really get to see anything. I did stay over a weekend on one trip and saw some of Nuremberg, but I would like to visit for 2 or 3 weeks and really take in the area.

2. If you were to change career in the next six months what would you choose to do and why?

Proberly something completly out of the Computer Software related area....I have been supporting Human Resources software for about 17 years now.....A change would be nice.....Believe or not sometimes a have thought about driving a truck.....or have you ever seen those HUGE contruction cranes.....WAY...WAY up there.....I think that would be sooooo much know...Boys and their TOYS.....

3. Do you think Michael Jackson is guilty as charged and what are your reasons for believing as you do?

hmmmmm.....Have I REALLY thought about it....To be honest, I have really not followed the case.....If he did what they claim he has done, then he should be help accountable for it....But I really don't know what to think.....I know he is JUST PLAIN WERID, in my books.......but that doesn't make him guilty, just beacuse I think he's werid.

4. If I gave you $2000 to spend as you like but only on one item what would it be?

That would be an easy one RIGHT NOW. I would take a trip with Deb donw to one of the islands and get married on the beach at one of the resorts....Now THAT would be a trip....

5. What do you consider to be your greatest personal achievment to date?

That's an interesting question...My greatest PERSONAL achievment.......Without a doubt, my two girls Natasha and Cara.....If you can call then a 'personal achiement.....Otherwise it could be the status as a Senior Official with Swim Ontario, or my recent activities with the Theatre group that I'm with, Caledon Townhall Players.

The Official Interview Game Rules
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying 'Interview me"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions, each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Pretty Easy Eh!!!!!

Monday, June 06, 2005

A Puzzle For Some Fun

I just love these type of word puzzles...

Post your answers in the comments.....

I will post the answer to this puzzle later this week....

At a recent Pets Anonymous reunion, the attendees were discussing which pets they had recently owned. James used to have a dog. The person who used to own a mouse now owns a cat, but the person who used to have a cat does not have a mouse. Kevin has now or used to have a dog, I can't remember which. Becky has never owned a mouse. Only one person now owns the pet they previously had. Rebecca kept quiet throughout the meeting and nobody mentioned the hamster.

Can you determine who owns which pet and what they used to own?

The Play.....The Things We Do For Love

It's hard to believe that the show has just finished it's second week.

The show is 'The Things We Do For Love', presented by the Caledon Townhall Players.

I started off with helping to build the set with Jane, and then I also took on the responsibility of creating the lighting design and running the lightboard for the run of the play. When Andrew had to step to take Dale's role, as Dale's leg was not healing as fast as was expected, I took over Andrew's job of creating the Sound Design for the play.

Dale is STILL in his cast, though he can take it off now and then, man THAT must suck......He did come see the play on Saturday, which must have been hard for him.

So, lets see....Jan and I built the set, I did the lighting AND the sound design for the play, I'm running the lightboard for the play.........


Our beloved Stage Manager, Kay, got called out of the country!! YES, country, she was sent by her work to SOUTH AFRICA for three weeks and will miss the entire run of the play. So what does that mean???

Yes!!!! I'm also playing the role of Stage Manager......

I love this so much......

So, If you're local, and you want a fun evening out.....There are tickets available for this weekend. Visit the Caledon Townhall Players website for details.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Movie Quiz

OK, so I stole this from April....

1.) Total number of films I own on DVD/Video

DVD's - 150
Video's - 100

2.) The last film I bought on DVD

The General's Daughter

3.) 5 films I watch alot or mean alot to me: (in no particular order)

a. SWAT - This is the movie the Deb and I saw on our first date.

b. A Knights Tale - A classic movie that is just FUN to watch....and I just happen to love the soundtrack.

c. Armageddon - A great movie with Bruce Willis and who dosen't like Liv Tyler??

d. Saving Private Ryan - I just love war movies, and this is right at the top of the list.

e. Aladdin - Robin Williams at his best.


Today is June 1st, 2005, but you can already see that from the posting date.

This is the day of official transition from the 'View from the Penthouse' to the 'View from the Escarpment'.

What is the 'Escarpment'???

You see, I am now fully, 100% moved from Brampton to Grimsby. Grimsby sits at the base of the Niagara Escarpment, hence the new name for my blog.

Over the next couple of weeks, I will be posting a new header picture, one the truly shows the beauty of this area I love and now call home.

I also have a brand new look today as well. I want to thank my Blog Design Expert; Gemmak, who's without help, I would not be sporting this new look. I have to admit, I REALLY REALLY REALLY like the new look. I will be tweaking it over the next week, as I play with some new fonts and 'toys', under the direction of Gemmak of course........Yes a 'LITTLE' bit of knowledge is a scary thing!!!!!

So I hope you like the new view..........

So onto the FIRST post from the new view........